Preview of Pregnancy Diaries One Man's Perspective

Saturday 19/04/2008
Dear Lump,

I am so happy at the minute. Mommy and I have known about you for a few weeks now and we are really excited to meet you. We can’t wait until we see you for the first time on the ultra-sound scan.
We found out we was expecting you about a fortnight ago on my birthday. What a great birthday present! We went to the safari park as my treat. All we did while we were there was talk about what it would be like to have you there at that very instant. We are thrilled about having you.
Mommy and I thought it would be a good idea to write down all our thoughts and her cravings etc while mommy is pregnant with you.
So here we go.

We have already been looking through baby name books to find a nice name for you. We’ve got lots of baby catalogues and pregnancy magazines, so we can find out what to expect from mommy while she’s carrying you. So far, mommy has been feeling really tired and she loses her energy quickly. She’s also feeling sick quite often, sometimes she goes to vomit but doesn’t quite manage it. Mommy loves wearing her bright pink tracksuit so that she feels comfortable. I think it makes her look like a bright pink marshmallow. It helps to give her loads of hugs and kisses too.
We have already been shopping and bought you some baby-grows and vests. Mommy bought some tiny booties and gave them to me for my birthday. She also got me an “I love Daddy” bib, which I think is brilliant. We went to the doctors on Thursday, just to let them know you’re in mom’s belly. To be honest we didn’t think to let the doctors know until someone said we should. First time parents for you. The doctor expects you to pop out on 29th November 2008. We will find out for definite when we go for the 12 week scan.

Love you Dad x

Sunday 20/04/2008
Dear Lumpy,

Mom thinks you’ve been growing quite a lot today, because she’s really tired. You have been “popping” a few times today. When she says “popping”, I think she means that she has let one go! Your mom however, insists it feels like you are flicking her belly from the inside with your tiny fingers. Moms also had aching pains where you’re sleeping in her belly, she believes it’s because you’re moving around a lot.
We went shopping again today. We went to the retail park. We originally went to get some new clothes for mom because she’s started to get a bump. Instead, we ended up getting you another bib; this time saying “I love my Mommy” on it.
I’m not sure whether it’s the pregnancy or not (I’m sure it is), but mommy is becoming a little grumpy at present. Snappy is more like it. All I have to say is “Good morning” and she near enough barks at me. “Love you dear.” That’s hormones for you. I don’t know about mom having any cravings yet, but ive eaten a whole birthday cake to myself. Mom thinks I’m having a sympathy pregnancy, but I don’t think she would be that horrible to me if she truly believed that. The way to stop her moods is to just give her a huge hug and usually giving her, her own way.

Love Dad x

Monday 21/04/2008
Dear Lump,

I know mommy’s been really suffering at work. She has felt anxious a lot. Probably because she feels like she might throw up in front of customers. It’s starting to hurt her chest though, so I’m going to treat her tonight to take her mind off of it. She rang me up today to tell me she’s had a really bad craving for gammon and eggs. I think that’s a great craving, I could manage that too. So that’s her treat sorted. I’m going to take her out to a fancy restaurant so she can have it.
The appointment to see the midwife is tomorrow and I am hoping she will give us an appointment for a scan. I just hope your growing healthy and strong. The scan will confirm all of that.

Well, we went to the fancy restaurant in the countryside and we both had a massive meal. While we were waiting for it to be cooked, mom started to feel poorly because she was that hungry. I don’t know whether you heard but........

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